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Selectmen's Minutes June 10, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 10, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management Grant
Present: John Martell

 John is working on a grant for radio equipment to be located at the police station which has been designated as the town’s Emergency Operations Center. The board gave John authorization to sign grant applications on the town’s behalf.  

SUBJECT: Mr. & Mrs. Peter Holmes

Mr. & Mrs. Holmes have been denied an occupancy permit on their newly renovated dwelling due to its proposed use.  The Holmes’ have constructed a duplex and the permit was issued for a single family residence. The board would like to meet with the building inspector and review all the documents before making a decision.  Mr. & Mrs. Holmes need an answer before the end of June when the residence is scheduled to be occupied. The board will meet with them again next Tuesday night.  

SUBJECT: Mr. Robert Gagne  

Mr. Gagne came before the board seeking an abatement on his first issue tax bill.  Mr. Gagne’s house is still under construction and was only a weather tight shell as of April 1st.  Lisa made the corrections to the assessment card which resulted in a substantial reduction in value.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to grant Mr. Gagne an abatement for first issue.  All were in favor. Lisa explained to the Gagne’s that this value was subject to change per the town wide revaluation and was also subject to a land use change tax penalty.  

SUBJECT: Mr. Arell-Impact Fee Waiver Request  

Mr. Arell asked the board to waive his impact fee requirement based on the fact he has been a Chichester resident for ten years.  Chairman Colbert explained the Planning Boards intent of the waiver provision provided for in the zoning regulations was continued residency for a period not less than ten years.  Mr. Arell argued that the zoning regulation wording did not specify the residency as being 10 consecutive years.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to waive Mr. Arell’s impact fee on Map 3 Lot 119. Granted by a 2-1 vote. (DeBold & Arey – yea) (Chairman Colbert – nay)

SUBJECT: General Discussion – RSA 79-D-Discretionary Preservation Easements
PRESENT: Diana Calder

Resident Calder is a professional certified assessing agent.  She shared with the board her knowledge of this new law.  In her opinion the intent of the law was to maintain the rural character of a town and boost attraction by tourists, not to shift the tax burden.  

SUBJECT: Road Agent Interview
PRESENT: David Kenneally

Mr. Kenneally was the only applicant for the vacant position.  His application was reviewed and job duties and expectations were discussed.  The board discussed the possibility of working 40 hours as long as the road agent stays within the budgeted amount of $60,000 under highway administration.  There are no benefits offered at the current time.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to appoint David Kenneally as Road Agent, to fill the term until town meeting in March 2004.  All were in favor.


After much discussion, Selectman DeBold made the motion to deny the two barn easements for 2003, stating the new law is vague and the board is not prepared at this time to process and review in an equitable manner.  Seconded by Selectman Arey.  All were in favor.  It is the intent of the board to review the new discretionary preservation easement statutes and establish specific guidelines for processing applications next year.  

The board discussed a letter from Mr. Jim Mullaney regarding wording changes to the zoning regulations.  The board does not agree with them and will not support his proposed changes.  They directed Lisa to forward the letter to the Planning Board for their input.

The board denied an abatement request from Morse, Map 8 Lot 14. Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold.  All were in favor.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to assess a zero penalty and correct the classification of land on the Crowell property, Map 4, Lot 146.  This property was transferred in 2000 and should have been released from Current Use. The town has one year to assess a penalty.  The lien must be released through the registry of deeds.  The homeowner will be responsible for the recording fee only.   Lisa will inform the homeowners of the situation.

Avitar has agreed to include the Current Use Update under the current year’s assessing contract.  This is yet another update required as part of the certification process.  Lisa will send out the letters and necessary forms.  

The town clerk would like to apply for a grant from funds raised from the sale of Conservation License Plates.  Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman Arey to allow Evelyn to apply for the grant.  All were in favor.  

The board reviewed the memo from the building inspector regarding questions from the Nolin’s.  Chairman Colbert has discussed it with the Planning Board.  Lisa will forward this information to the building inspector.   

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Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:55pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant
Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Written
_____________________________                           6/17/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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